Oji Emotions: Pre-Wrap-Up Email Template

Jen Jortner Cassidy Jen Jortner Cassidy | Jul 7, 2023
Photo Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/Cv1IZqKJQzU / An hourglass running out of sand

Let's face it; we've all been part of something where we've just felt like we didn't have enough time.  Whether it's a work project, planning for a holiday celebration, or a training program, there can be that sinking feeling that time is running out.

This can be especially discouraging when engaging in something that is focused on a group.  I've sure been that person at book club who didn't finish the book!  

With Oji Emotions being cohort based, we want to ensure that all learners feel supported and included. That is why we've developed this email template, to give you a tool that enables you to check in with the cohort before the final wrap-up celebration takes place, and motivate them to stay on track.  

In addition to giving that little nudge, there's space to recognize the first to have completed the program.  Feel free to change up this wording to recognize multiple people and even those who have almost completed.  

Need more ideas?  Reach out to your Oji Customer Success manager or support@ojilifelab.com

Jen Jortner Cassidy Jen Jortner Cassidy

Jen Jortner Cassidy serves as the Director of Customer Success for Oji Life Lab. She partners closely with organizations to implement Oji’s learning programs and always strives to be user friendly.

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